Ozark Browns

Just wanted to share some more pics of the ‘big catch’.  I’m still undecided how big the fish is.  Bummed I was an idiot and didn’t measure the thing officially.   I don’t typically measure or weigh fish unless they are giant, which is weird I suppose, but you sorta just go cool, I got a […]

So Hit Me With Music

  Sending out an SOS to the World.  Are you or any of your friends in a band?  You guys have any songs that are good?  I don’t care what style of music, let me figure out how to work it in.  I’m looking to ‘license’ music for YouTube style videos on an ongoing basis.   […]

Southern Trout Eaters DVD Review from Rob Newell FLW Bass Magazine March 2012

Thank you Rob. We appreciate you and your work at FLW. From the March 2012 FLW Bass Fishing Magazine. Reprint.

Swim Signature: Owner Flashy Accent Trailer Blade

Owner Hooks has done something pretty cool with the Flashy Accent Trailer Blade series.   The Flashy Accent is meant to compliment and add flash to any bait.   You can add a flashy blade on a barrel swivel to just about any bait  you can imagine.   I cannot at all claim to have even scratched the […]

Ozark Pictorial June 2012

My buddy, Chad Johnson, sight fishing carp on a fly rod. Notice the egg pattern looks a whole lot like a piece of corn. Arkansas is an excellent place to fish, year round.


Fly fisherman make it a point to educate themselves on how to tie bugs and streamers that ‘match the hatch’ but as the younger crew of fly fisherman come of age, they are showing it’s not all about barbless size 20 single hooks. Big fish eat big baits and you better be prepared if you want to land them. Streamer fishing, White River, Arkansas


Chad Johnson, brown trout, ‘hopper dropper’. Come get you some.


Dinosaurs are fun to catch, especially with fly rods, you don’t even need hooks.


I’m fishing for a 30+ pound brown trout that eats stocked rainbow trout. Keep it Soft Stupid (KISS)


Kids Fishing Derby, big fish winner. Kid was stoked, and Dad was too. The “Friends of the Hatchery”, Corp of Engineers, and a host of other puts on a kids fishing derby every year at the Norfork River/Dry Run Creek confluence adjacent to the Norfork National Fish Hatchery. Free event for the kids and just fun to help out and volunteer.


“Light Trout” is so 2005. Get with it, Pink Bass is the shizzle.


Canoes, wet wading, and swimbait fishing. Me gusta.